7 Steps to Consider When Choosing a Mobile Marketing Agency to Work With

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    Faced with the challenge of growth, most businesses in the app space consider using a mobile marketing agency to do some or all of their marketing and advertising for them. The assumption is that most agencies’ experience and knowledge will be beneficial to achieving the targets. As an app marketing agency CEO of 18 years, I would, not surprisingly, agree with this sentiment but concede that agencies aren’t necessarily the answer for every business… but most app businesses will see clear benefits in appointing one.

    So, You’ve Decided on Mobile Marketing: Now What?

    Over the last 25 years of running ad and marketing agencies, I’ve met tens of thousands of brands and businesses and must have pitched thousands of times for project and account work, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. Whatever the result, I always ask afterwards what the business was looking for to make their decision and also how we performed. This blog is an amalgamation of the years of feedback and my thoughts on it.  

    So, if you have read the articles, attended the conferences, seen the posts, heard the accolades, and decided that a mobile marketing agency or consultancy will benefit your business, then the big question is how do you choose the right mobile marketing agency for your business and your objectives?

    Presuming you’ve done the research and have a handful of agencies you are considering, you’ll need to start sorting through them to find a partner.

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    7 Steps to Find the Right Mobile Marketing Agency

    Step 1 – Identify their App Marketing Expertise

    Once you’ve found a mobile marketing agency you might want to work with, the first step is to evaluate their offerings. Start with the services that they provide.

    Given the specialized nature of app growth, it’s crucial to partner with an agency that understands this area rather than a generalist with a broader digital marketing scope. The mobile marketing agency you choose must have a proven track record of providing core app marketing skills- App Store Optimization, app growth through retention and data stack, App User Acquisition and strategy and creative insights. This means they need to thoroughly understand the broad range of levers that need to be pulled to deliver the required success.

    Step 2 – Confirm their Experience Level

    If all the boxes are ticked on the agency’s ability, then sense check that they have the experience to deliver success at the optimum level that is right for your business.  Malcolm Gladwell stated that you need to spend 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field.

    An agency with a long history of delivering the services and skills you need shows they are doing something right and that they have real competency in their field. It is worth noting this is only the case if they are also innovating and keeping abreast of the tech and market evolution.

    The businesses that are on the coal face of industry developments, new tech, and iOS and Android changes will be able to provide not only the expertise but also the futureproofing to compete and excel in the fast-evolving app space. I recommend you check out case studies, client testimonials, awards, whitepapers, conference papers, and industry comments. By reviewing what their clients say about them, you’ll get a very good idea of their ability to deliver on their promises.

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    Step 3 – Evaluate their Communication Style

    At the initial stages of discussion, the level of detail they provide will give you a feel for how responsive they are and how transparent they will be about their strategies. A detailed and knowledgeable explanation of the decision-making process will back up their experience and ability.  

    Step 4 – Question the Proposed Strategy

    Once you receive a proposal or are pitched to, you’d be wise not to take the recommendation at face value. Question their strategy, plan, and recommendations and expect detailed answers. By doing this, you can tease out the agency’s thinking and assess any gaps in their understanding of the brief and challenges so they grasp your needs to the point that they have a viable solution to the task.

    I’d also say that the agency’s working style, cultural fit, and values should align with yours. You will be working closely with your chosen mobile marketing agency, and if it’s a group of people that you feel you trust and enjoy working with, the chances are it will be a successful relationship.

    Step 5 – Be Clear About Your Budget Early On

    You don’t want to overpay for the services; the agency shouldn’t be underpaid either. The costs must be fair for both parties; if not, this will create disillusionment and affect your relationship. To avoid this issue from the outset, make sure that costs and budgets are discussed early on. You may fall in love with a mobile marketing agency that you then find is just too expensive at the end of a few weeks of meetings and pitches. You could also find out early on that your budget could stretch further than expected; it’s vital to get these conversations out of the way as soon as you can.

    Step 6 – Provide a Clear Client Brief

    You are also responsible for providing an unambiguous brief to the mobile marketing agency that you are dealing with. This should be the same for every agency you speak with, so it’s a level playing field. Be responsive to requests for further information and provide details to any questions that are asked. I’d also say that it is essential to keep the agencies informed of timelines and updates on project status and situation throughout the process. Remember, the agencies will also be judging whether you’re a good fit for them. They will be evaluating your goals and needs to ensure a successful collaboration.

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    Step 7 – Thank Unsuccessful Mobile Marketing Agencies

    Finally, once you have made your choice, be gracious in letting the agencies that didn’t win the project know. Help them improve by sharing your reasoning with them so they can better their process and make recommendations for the next pitch they do. After all, they will have invested time, effort, and costs, which should be acknowledged with deference.

    And to the winner, the spoils; you’ll both have the victory of a new collaboration.

    I hope this snapshot of the selection process from the perspective of a mobile marketing agency has been valuable and interesting. If you have any questions or comments, please message us on LinkedIn or contact our marketing team here.

    You can also read our blog for further app marketing insights you need to expand on.

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